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Most computer programs display their content within a window. However, windows are often not large enough to display their entire content at once. Therefore, you may have to scroll through the window to view the rest of the contents. For example, on some monitors, a page from a word processing document may not fit within the main window when viewed at 100%. Therefore, you may have to scroll down the window to view the rest of the page. Similarly, many Web pages do not fit completely within a window and may require you to scroll both vertically and horizontally to see all the content.

To scroll up or down within a window, simply click the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the window and drag the slider up or down. If the window requires horizontal scrolling as well, click the scroll bar at the bottom of the window and drag the slider to the right or left. Some computer mice also include a scroll wheel that allows you to scroll through the window by rolling the wheel back and forth.

Published: 2008

Definition from the PC Glossary